Frequently Asked Questions

Wellbeing Research

On this page you find the most asked questions about the wellbeing research.


1. What is a wellbeing research?

With this research EY identifies the most important themes that the organization can improve to increase the wellbeing of their employees. This survey asks you about how you experience wellbeing and how you feel about topics that are relevant for your wellbeing. The results are combined with existing organizational data to specify the most important factors that improve wellbeing within EY.  

Data processing & anonymity 

4. Is participation in the research anonymous?

Yes, completing the questionnaire is anonymous for EY. The results go directly to Nolost, your organization does not get access to these individual answers. The results are reported back to your organization at group level, so they cannot be traced back to individual persons. When completing the open questions, the answers are copied verbatim, but these answers are also reported back at group level. During the research it is clearly indicated which answers will be included verbatim in the report.  

Completing the survey 

9. How do I get access to the employee survey?

You will receive invitation email with your own personal link to the questionnaire. The invitation is sent from Nolost with the email address research@nolost.nl. In addition, you can login via a QR-code that is distributed by means of posters, postcards or via the intranet. In that case, you can follow the instructions stated with the QR-code.